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Introduction to resistance trainning for health and heeling

This blog will help you to understand the significance of the different muscle groups involved in resistance training.

 By now, you all are aware that along with healthy eating, sleep, community and spirituality, exercise is one of our important five keys to a healthy life and disease reversal.For those of you just starting your journey,the following is a brief review of some basic exercises to get you moving.

The key to a successful exercise regimen is maintaining a balance between consistency and recovery.To maintain muscular tone, mental acuity and reduce the risk of injury, a regular program of mild to moderate exercise will probably serve you better than high intensity workout a couple of days a week.We also need time for our muscles to recover, which may take a little longer with every passing decade.

With that in mind, we're presenting a six day workout with three discrete daily regimens consisting of corn, aerobics, push and pull.


Each perform two times every week.In this case, the biceps is anchored to the scapula and pulls on the radius of the forearm to flex the arm at the elbow.This can be done either in a standing or seated position, and the exercise that uses muscles to pull the limbs towards the body could be part of our polling day regimen, also known as flexors or abductors.

Seated Row exercise

Another example of a flexor exercise is seated rows pulling the handle towards the body, again flexes the biceps, but also uses multiple muscles of the back, including the rear deltoids,   trapezius,erector spiny and stabilizers of the scapula, including the rhomboids and serratus interior.If you don't have access to a row type machine, this motion can also be done lying prone on a small bench.

Squats exercise

Under the category of push, we include exercises that push resistance away from our body.Remember, our muscles can only pull on our bones, so to push objects away, we invoke muscles that abduct or extend the limbs.Starting with the basics.Extending the lower arm against gravity predominantly works the triceps with some activation of the muscles around the shoulder, including the rotator cuff.This exercise can also be done in a standing position or if no weights are available,on the edge of a low bench.

OverHead press exercise

The rotator cuff consists of four muscles and tendons that secure the humerus to the scapula and include the tears, minor infraspinatus, super, spinatus and subscapularis.A slight modification of this maneuver is called an overhead press and not only works the triceps, but also utilizes the deltoids trapezius and portions of the rotator cuff.In the front, push ups work the triceps deltoids pectoralis major and minor muscles as well as portions of the rotator cuff.The same is true for dumbbell bench presses.

Curl Lunges exercise

For the lower extremities, calf raises extend the foot utilizing the soleus and gastrocnemius muscle bellies combining exercise such as these curl lunges work the bicep flexors of the arm as well as the quadricep extensors of the lower leg and gluteus minimus media and maximus muscles of the butt.For core exercises, we want to work the flexors and extensions of the hips and trunk.The spine is relatively fixed with some minimal movement of the lower five segments of the spine known as the lumbar region.Most of the flexion and extension therefore, occurs at the hip joints.There are four major flexors of the hip,including the iliacus and the solus, the latter of which also stabilizes the lower back.In the leg, three of the four quadriceps muscles originate from the proximal femur and attached to the patella to extend the lower leg.However, the smallest and most anterior of the quadriceps, the rectus femoris, originates from the iliac bone and, along with the sartorius, crosses the hip joint and can assist with hip flexion.The four flexors either pull the femur towards the body or, if the femurs are fixed,pull the torso towards the legs.

Sit ups

The rectus abdominal muscle connects the ribcage to the anterior border of the pelvis and stabilizes the pelvis during flexion crunches, simply flex the rectus abdominal muscles,whereas sit ups or leg raises flex the rectus abdominals as well as the four flexors of the hip and help stabilize the lower back.Hip extensors have the opposite function of extending or straightening the hips predominantly through the action of the powerful gluteal muscles of the butt as well as the stabilizing muscles of the spine, including the erector spinae.Any exercise that extends the torso or lower extremities invokes these muscle groups.

Our suggested workout routine is core exercise Monday and Thursday, accompanying 20 to 30 minutes of low impact aerobic exercise like the elliptical, the push routine on Tuesday and Fridays with the pull routine on Wednesday and Saturday.On Sunday, we take a break, allow our bodies to recover and work on one of our other five keys to disease reversal.Like community and spirituality, distance is paramount.Start slow and try to do a little bit every day.Adding exercise and movements is tolerated.

Good luck and have fun.


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