This blog will help you to understand the significance of the different muscle groups involved in resistance training. By now, you all are aware that along with healthy eating, sleep, community and spirituality, exercise is one of our important five keys to a healthy life and disease reversal.For those of you just starting your journey,the following is a brief review of some basic exercises to get you moving. The key to a successful exercise regimen is maintaining a balance between consistency and recovery.To maintain muscular tone, mental acuity and reduce the risk of injury, a regular program of mild to moderate exercise will probably serve you better than high intensity workout a couple of days a week.We also need time for our muscles to recover, which may take a little longer with every passing decade. With that in mind, we're presenting a six day workout with three discrete daily regimens consisting of corn, aerobics, push and pull. Pushups Each perform two times every week.I...
Tips for weight loss naturally Healthy lifestyle plan Nutrition Health and wellness Flexibility Strength trainning Strength workout Aerobic exercise Simple ways to live healthy life 5 bridges health and fitness